
The New Classics #49: Dragon Star Varnir


The Backstory: I secured the physical version of that title from Limited Run Games, based on the cover art and gameplay pitch alone. Then, I learnt that it was an offering from my most beloved Compile Heart, and I knew I was in for some serious gaming goodness — I mean, have Compile Heart ever disappointed me as a developer? 



The Game: Although the battle system is its own thing (more on that very soon), DSV is as close to an Hyperdimension Neptunia game as it gets without actually being an HN game. It sports the same pint-sized dungeons, the same roaming foes and the same possibility to attack them with a ‘Symbol Attack’ and gain the upper hand in battle. Last but not least, it sports the same delightful and skimpy in-battle transformations and attacks, replete with gorgeous, eye-popping animations.



There are also some major differences that you cannot miss — starting with the atmosphere and art style. While HN is all flashiness and bright colours, DSV is on the more sombre and subdued side. And yes, we have to address the elephant in the room here: the graphics are horrendous. Not only are they dark to the point of actually hindering navigation lest your Switch brightness be cranked up to the max, but they’re also washed-out and fuzzy as all heck. Now, do I care? Nope, I don’t.



Last but not least is the fighting system. Long story short: it’s awesome. I’m sure you want more details though so here goes! It’s your classic yet efficient turn-based fare, made more strategic by an aerial element that allows you to move vertically and choose the area you’ll target; while it’s not always relevant in random fights, you’ll definitely get to use it in boss fights. Then you have the jewel in the crown: the possibility to ‘devour’ foes in order to assimilate their abilities and unlock new skills for your crew. I find this a million times better than an actual recruiting system: it preserves the surprise effect and the thrill of getting flashy new skills, while dispensing with the hassle of training new additions. The best of two words, yes indeed!



The Verdict: No suspense here, that little gem is here to stay! It was actually difficult to move on to the next game, as I wanted nothing than to keep playing; but I’ll get back to Dragon Star Varnir soon enough. Until then, we keep hunting! 


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