
Still alive and playing!



Salut, dear fellow gamers! You may think, and rightfully so given my (non-)publishing schedule, that I’ve completely given up gaming and blogging alike; but nothing could be further from the truth. I’m actually going through a Third Coming of Gaming, if you can believe that! We’re talking about a renaissance of sorts, a rejuvenation: I’m living and enjoying gaming in completely new and refreshing ways, on which I’ll probably expand sooner or later. For now, suffice it to say that my gaming passion is very much thriving, and roaming never-roamed-before avenues of delight and thrill.


I actually have a whopping 14 posts ready for the publishing as I’m writing this; and the only reason they’re not online yet is my utter weariness of all things Blogger. The site is more unruly than ever — as of now, I’m not even able to post comments under my own Blogger ID, which royally sucks. I’ve also had it with the publishing interface as a whole; and as we’re inching closer to the 10th anniversary of That Extra Level!, the time is ripe for a new start on a new platform. I’m currently preparing that new start; until it happens, I’ll screw up my courage and publish all my already written posts here. Stay tuned! ^^