
Period Cube: Poyo-Poyo's route — The best for last

Heck, I love Poyo-Poyo's route. It was the very last route I played, and it was so darn good that it somehow redeemed the whole game in my eyes. It roused me from the comfortable slumber the other routes had put me in, blew my mind and made my heart skip a few beats; and as far as I'm concerned, it's the only route worth its salt in Period Cube. Let's get on with the praise! (Spoilers ahead!)

Why Poyo-Poyo's route is the greatest: 

— Of all the bachelors, Shiki is the one we get to know best — as a matter of fact, he's the only beau we get to know extentively before we can romance him, and that makes all the difference in the world. By the time his route becomes available, we've heard about him so much that we already formed an opinion about him and that he feels somehow familiar to us; yet at the same time, we can't help but be curious about what he's really like and what makes him tick. As a result, Kazuha's romance with him feels much more natural than her romances with the rest of the crew and flows much more effortlessly. Also, the whole story is kickstarted by Kazuha's strong desire to find Shiki; so it feels only fair that said story should end up with her getting her paws on him at long last — in all possible ways.

He's bringing sexy back.
— Shiki is a vibrant mix of tenderness, affection, passion and lust — and so is his route and his relationship with Kazuha. This is the only route that explores the full emotional spectrum of a romantic relationship: the combination of Poyo-Poyo's kindness, cuteness and good-natured banter and Shiki's intense love and repressed lust for Kazuha creates a potent and heart-wrenching mix that has way more impact than anything you can find in the other routes. And talking about Shiki's intense love and repressed lust, this guy simply delivers the single best declaration of love I've ever read in an otome game. Every otome beau can come up with run-of-the-mill sentences such as "I love you so much" and "I want to be by your side forever"; but Shiki cranks up the passion and comes up with a declaration that makes you feel the love & the lust. Heck, I swear I fell in love with him for a split second when I saw him bare his heart in such an ardent way.

— This is a route that respects its peers. I usually despise true routes for their annoying habit of casting all the routes that preceeded them as redundant and pointless and making the player feel like they've been betting on the wrong horse all that time — and I like Shiki's route for abstaining from all that. As a matter of fact, all PC routes have the exact same outcome, namely the destruction of the Period Cube and World V and Shiki's return to the real world sans memories; the only thing that varies is the beau that winds up on Kazuha's arm. Shiki's route is what all true routes should be: a route that explains the story's ins and outs while coexisting peacefully with its fellow regular routes. The fact that it can be unlocked at the halfway point depending on which routes you played first is quite telling: this is but a mere route amongst others, a route that ain't a league of its own.

How Poyo-Poyo's route — and by extension the whole story — could have been better: 

— Scrap the whole Akashic Records deus ex machina. It's a fascinating concept I'd certainly like to learn more about, but it has no place in PC's story. If we assume that Shiki could have discovered a way to separate the soul from the body on his own, we have to admit that the Akashic Records have been implemented solely to allow Kazuha to go back in time, avoid the accident and spare Shiki the whole descent into madness he had to endure after said accident; and not only is it a frustrating plot device that comes completely out of left field, but it also cancels the whole Shiki route and makes it null and void. Now look, game: I don't want to be told that all the developments I witnessed and rooted for never happened, nor do I want to be fed a bloody ellipsis and told that Kazuha fell in love with Shiki this time around without getting the opportunity to see said falling in love with my own eyes. What I wanted was to see Kazuha uncover and acknowledge her love for Shiki in Shiki's route. If she fell head over heels in love with Hiroya in a couple of days despite never seeing him as anything more than a friend before that, then surely it would have been possible to do the same thing with Shiki, now wouldn't it? Just let her realise that her feelings for Shiki are deeper and stronger than she thought and come to terms with them, and voila! Definitely less far-fetched and more believable in the story's context than that whole time travel crap.

— Concurrently, tone down Shiki's endeavours in Arcadia and cut down on the insanity, so that he can live on without being tortured by remorse and doesn't require a reboot to live a happy life. Scrap the player killing, the nocturnal fondling, the experimentation on Natsu, the jealousy bouts and the overarching sick desire to preserve Kazuha's soul and memories forever like a twisted trophy — all the more so as it's highly improbable that someone could be driven over the edge so severely just because their stepsister landed in a non-lethal accident and lost a couple of trivial memories. Replace those twisted antics with more interactions with Kazuha in Arcadia, and let the girl realise that she sees Shiki as more than a mere stepbrother. Proceed then to reveal that Kazuha loves Shiki and that they can be together in the real world, and make Shiki drop his mad plan to focus on his dream come true. Arcadia players are spared, everybody is freed from Server V and can go on with their lives, Shiki and Kazuha become an item, The End. More romance, less craziness, and happier players — both Arcadia and Period Cube ones.

— Better still, scrap the whole World V, Amadeus and Period Cube shebang entirely, and also scrap that lame accident while you're at it. Use the following premise instead: Shiki is buckling under the pressure of his unrequited love for Kazuha, and he's recently become an hikikomori that plays some Arcadia all day long to get away from the dire reality of his life. Everybody is at a loss, but ingenious little Kazuha comes up with the idea of creating her own Arcadia avatar to reach out to Shiki from inside the game. Proceed then to slowly reveal Shiki's feelings and make Kazuha realise the true depth of her love for him, which she had never dared to acknowledge in earnest because of their family situation. Then crown it all with a good ending in which they end up together and Shiki goes back to his happy straight-A student self, and a bad ending in which he doesn't dare to confess to Kazuha and retreats even deeper into his room and Arcadia. The beauty of that premise is that it would also make the other routes more interesting, by allowing Kazuha and her beau du jour to interact both in Arcadia and the real world and get to know each other over a much longer time period. Cherry on the cake, you don't even need to alter Shiki's destiny in these other routes: just make him loose his memories because of the sheer shock of seeing Kazuha fall in love with another man, and you're covered. (Heck, it's not even that improbable IRL.) Call the whole thing 'Arcadia: Shackles of Love&Despair' and you're good to go! Such a straightforward and unfussy story would flow much more naturally and spare us the many plotholes PC bristles with.

So, you may ask, you declare your love for Shiki's route yet claim in the next breath that it should have been entirely different? Yup, that's totally what I'm doing. I loved Shiki's route, the passion and intensity of it; but had it unfolded the way I just described, I would have adored it. I would certainly have adored the other routes as well and ultimately purchased a physical copy of Period Cube, which is something that's definitely not going to happen with the story being the mess it is. That's sad, because there was some potential for stellar love stories and even — let's dream wildly — dashes of RPG-inspired gameplay. Well, maybe the next romantic VN will prove better — because indeed, I got my paws on a couple more of these during the January PSN sale; and since I'm still very much in the mood for love, I'll put them to the Shall We Get Physical test without delay. Better strike while the iron is hot, indeed! Thanks for reading, and be my guest anytime!


  1. Oh, the story you made is so much better! I must admit that despite liking Shiki's route, I also felt the whole deus ex machina thing was horrible. And things like the nocturnal fondling almost ruined the route for me. Especially since it's so darn obvious that Kazuha is already in love with him...just remember how her friend at the beginning of the game says that she's always texting her brother, or how Hiroya jealously remarks that Kazuha cherishes her brother more than anything after she murmured his name while sleeping. Pretty obvious there's something going on there more than sisterly love, so there was no reason for poor Shiki to torture himself so much...

    If you want a game that does good on the whole Akashic Records thing, play devil survivor 2, and pick the best route for your best friend. That's all I'm saying.

    1. I just realized your story could have made Hiroya's story so much cuter. Imagine Kazuha uses an avatar that does not look like her (so as to not tip Shiki off), and meets up Hiroya in the game. She recognizes him and, since she's new at games, pesters to join his party because she finds his familiarity comforting. The plan is to get good at the game so Shiki (an MVP at this point) actually looks her way in-game. Obviously this is gonna take a few months.

      Now, Hiroya does not know it's her, and begins to fall for her. Which makes him really happy, since it means he's getting over Kazuha. Eventually, he schedules for them to meet in real life, and Kazuha accepts because at this point she realizes how much she missed Hiroya after middle school. Hiroya is very shocked that it's her and doesn't react the best at first, but ends up realizing that he can never escape falling in love with Kazuha, so after a while he stops being so cold and confesses to her (maybe after popping in the middle of the game to help her take out a boss that was out her league, since after their disastrous meet-up she was forced to go solo).

      Give us a few more scenes (so we can see them acting cute to make up for that brush off) and Hiroya eventually convinces Kazuha to go confront Shiki in real life. Shiki is not happy she's with someone else, but since it's Hiroya, who has been together with her since childhood, it makes the rejection a bit easier to swallow. He keeps his feelings to himself and attempts to go back to his A+ student life, though it's clear that he's still depressed.

      And that's it! Way better than what we got. I usually like complicated stories with supernatural or sci-fi themes, but sometimes the simpler route is the best.

      Rei's story could have also been so much better. Scrap his woobie story and make it so he likes solo'ing because it's an escape for his idol life. He ends up relenting to teach Kazuha the game after he sees her mess up so many times, but only temporarily you see! It ends up turning into months though, and he keeps leaning on her more and more to keep his mind of the stress of being an idol. His career ends up taking a turn for the worse, which leads Kazuha to meet him in the middle of the streets while he's emo'ing and cheering him up, but neither of them realizes who the other is.

      Thanks to the support of "both" Kazuha's, he works up the guts to quit his idol career and pursue something better for him, and ends up wanting to encourage Kazuha to confront her brother as well. They meet up in real life so he can accompany her, then he realizes his gaming buddy was also the same naive girl who kept encouraging him, and romance flies.

      Shiki ends up the same way, maybe a bit worse since she rejected him for a stranger, Rei and Kazuha end up going out, the ending shows that Rei ended up finding something he really loves. Much better than his woobie crap.

    2. Oh, and Rei also uses a different avatar since, you know, he's an idol in real life and he doesn't want to get caught in the game. Seriously, the fact that he didn't do that in the actual game is so retarded.

      As for Toru, it could be that they meet in the game, Kazuha joins his party to get better, and ends up getting a crush on him. They start dating in-game, but Toru is relutant to meet up in real life...and Kazuha understands why once she actually meets him. After the shock of how different he is from his game persona passes, she keeps wanting to meet him, and eventually realizes that she still likes him, which gives Toru a great confidence boost and he ends up cleaning up his bitter attitude some. Blah, blah, confront Shiki in real life, etc.

      As for Riku, uhhh...I have no idea. Make his in-game avatar actually look like a girl? Zain and Minato just get cut from the game, replace them with Silent or a new character altogether.

    3. "It's so darn obvious that Kazuha is already in love with him": That's exactly what I was thinking too, right from the first scene you mentioned. There's also that scene where the Forte crew teases Kazuha for being so possessive of her good-looking aniki; and Kazuha's general dedication to finding Shiki just speaks volumes, just like the fact that the writers made them stepsiblings rather than blood siblings. I mean, it's obvious that there was something fishy there right off the bat.

      The stories you made for the other guys are really neat, and I'd have loved to play them. There was just so much potential for a simpler and more efficient brand of story that would have preserved the MMORPG setting, which is the game's main draw and asset. Pity the writers wanted to go the convoluted way and ruined everything in the process.

  2. Hate to post here again, but I actually replayed the game today (trying to wash away the pain of spending 300+ hours on story of seasons) and I realized that despite all its flaws, I would actually not want a more realistic plot. Not only because I adore fantasy and supernatural games (in fact, I might have ignored this game if not for the setting), but I absolutely love dark moments.

    And holy crap, for a game that feels so innocent most of the time, this game gets really dark. Those bad ends are absolutely delicious, and there's no way we can have them in another setting. Zain trying to merge with her was also awesome in that sense, so I can't think ill of his route too much. It stays purely for the creep factor.

    There are ways it could be improved, mostly by doubling the length of the routes and having more time skips so Kazuha spends at least a month in Acardia with each guy. Another thing to do is to just write out the Akashic Records entirely; yeah, what Shiki and Natsu accomplished without them would seem to be a bit much, but it could fit this world without that much more fanfare. Whereas the Akashic Records are just a full on Deus Ex Machina.

    Also, despite liking dark stuff, Demento is absolute garbage and his route should be cut. Zain and Shiki fulfill the creepy criteria much better than him, whereas he just comes off as an abusive psycho. Not delicious at all! Plus, on my replay, I just realized that his route branch is completely messed up...I mean, Toru, despite his flaws, just spent that whole time being super nice to her but Kazuha falls in love with a man who did nothing but threaten and hit her? Ugh.

    If we must have another bachelor, just make a route branch off of Libera's so we can chase either Mergo or Jocus (because I don't think Sirent is the type to fall for Kazuha but those two, especially Jocus, are). Speaking of Libera, his route wasn't bad, but he was kinda useless to the plot...I'd rather have a Natsu route somehow, or have him also be replaced by one of the guys from Forte so we can have them both! And if Libera is gone, we can have Hiroya come up with the lag solution in his route, so we do not need the Akashic Records Deus Ex Machina to fix his ending. There, now just change Shiki's route a little and the game is a lot better.

    (I just really want a Jocus route. Why is it that the one time I want a route with the playboy, the game denies me and gives me a psycho instead? I had to suffer through the garbage that was Ikki's route in Amnesia but no Jocus, this world is unfair!)

    1. Ah, well; the game is what it is anyway, so better make the most of it, right? ^^

      Overall, it's always awesome to replay a game one had mixed feelings about and reassess it positively in the process. It happened to me lately with Code:Realize; and holy crap, was I happy to find some good in that game after all. Apart from the obvious desire to make the most of one's gaming purchases, I think there's some deeper instinct at work there: as someone who loves owning and playing games, I have this deep-seated desire to love all the games I buy and play, hence that feeling of joy and relief when I give a game I didn't like a second chance and end up loving it. ^^

      That's not to say that I always give games I don't like a second chance or that I always end up liking them when I do, mind you. I pawned Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and Ever Oasis without a second thought; and after replaying Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and still not liking it, I got rid of it without regret as well.
