
Still alive and kicking!

No, That Extra Level ain't dead yet! I don't want my blogging ventures to end just now. I feel like I've barely scrapped the surface of that whole blogging thing: there is still so much to discover and so many games to write about! I didn't even reach my 100th post, damnit! And frankly, I miss writing about games. It had become part of my routine before I even realized it, and life without my daily dose of gaming-related writing feels a bit... hollow.

That being said, my schedule issues didn't magically disappear in two days. They are still alive and well, but I've found a way to circumvent them: to reduce the size of my posts. I cannot afford anymore to write these exquisitely, achingly, impossibly long posts in which I tried to cover every single aspect of a game, often including data and trivia that could be found somewhere else on the internet. This was not my goal at first: although I love reading data and trivia about games, my intention was never to relay such information on my blog. My intention was to offer my own insight into the games I play, and I've deviated from that goal somehow. It's now time to steer back onto the right track, and I'll do so by shearing my posts of any unecessary fat. No more data that everyone can check on Wikipedia, no more trivia that can be found compiled on websites dedicated solely to that purpose, no more pictures by the truckload while professional gaming sites offer tons of much higher-quality pictures. What will remain are my own impressions and thoughts about games, all exposed in a gloriously detailed way. It wouldn't be That Extra Level if I didn't zealously dissect everything in sight, now would it?:D

To accommodate my schedule better, I will also give up on a rule that I followed since the very beginning, namely to wait until I completely clear a game before I start writing about it. Not only did this rule force me to compile an impossibly huge amount of information at once, but it is also at odds with my way of playing games. See, I like to scour games thoroughly and to wring every last shred of enjoyment out of them before moving on to the next game in line, fully sated and happy. This often involves playing several runs in a row and/or grinding intensively, and it is obviously not compatible with waiting to have cleared a game to write about it. I could pull it off until now because I somehow forced myself to rush through games in order to be able to play more of them, but I want to go back to my natural ways now. I want every game to be a gastronomic feast that I take all the time in the world to savour, not a fast-food meal that I gobble down without really enjoying the taste of it. This means that I will write about games as I discover them and play them; and if anything, it may lead to an even greater avalanche of details. Brace yourself!

So, I'll soldier on and overcome the obstacle by making the necessary changes. As Celeste in Danganronpa says, "You have to adapt or perish", or something along those lines. I'm not ready to put this blog to death yet, and I'll do my best to make it thrive and flourish. See you soon for more posts! Thanks for reading, and be my guest anytime! 


  1. Well, this post and the previous one really were a rollercoaster of emotions!
    I hope you can keep up the blog Isleif! It isn't the same without checking up on your blog. Although I, too, am having some time problems between balancing my gaming and my "other stuff" hours, so I perfectly understand your situation. Sometimes it's all a matter of time management or simply letting the more busy times pass. Or, like you choose, condense information for the sake of freeing up more time!
    Either way, hope you manage to keep up your articles!

    1. Thanks a million for the kind words! I'll try my best to keep it rolling! =D

  2. So glad to see that you are going to continue! I think writing up as you go through a game is a great thing actually, since that can encapsulate how our feelings towards a game can change. We all have some games that we overall enjoyed, but there were parts of it that were really bad or dragged on that made us almost quit, and gamers with less commitment or time certainly would do that. And it's good to know of those moments in advance.

    You just made my day. Happy playing and happy blogging!

    1. Welcome, and thanks a lot for the kind words! What you say is completely right, and I've come to realize that over time. Although I initially decided to wait until I cleared games to write about them in order to deliver more complete reviews, it may actually have had the opposite effect, since some early feelings and impressions simply went down the drain in the process. So the change will probably be for the best for everybody!

      Happy playing to you too! ^^

  3. I only now saw this and the blog before, after reading your Lord of Magna blog.
    What a pity it would have been if you had stopped blogging, for you are the best at writing with all the emotion a game has evoked from you. But I do know where you are coming from. I think blogging is taking up more and more of my time, so there is less and less available for gaming. Not to mention that real life has a way of intruding too.
    But the fact is that I've found blogging and interacting with my readers gives me such positive energy, that I just have to keep doing it. And the combination with the gaming makes it the absolute best!

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words! All's well that ends well, and I will do my best to keep writing!

      I often think that writing about games made gaming per se even more enjoyable! The key is to strike the perfect balance between gaming and blogging—not to mention real life. I'm still working at it—and I really want to make it work, because like you said, this combination of gaming and blogging is just stellar! :)
