
Dragon Prana: Here we go again



You might think Dragon Prana is related to (the awesome) Dragon Sinker, and you’d be totally right. While not being a direct sequel to Sinker, Prana is a spiritual successor of sorts starring a crap ton of similar features — from the game world to the ever-squabbling four fantasy races, from the sheer grindiness to the breaking glass animation of vanquished foes in battle, without forgetting that delightful fat pixel-y art style. Oh, and the titular draconic baddie.  



Still, Prana is not a pure copy-paste: think of it more as a fancier, more elaborated version of Sinker. The map is much larger and features more varied locales, the side quests are more abundant, and the story is significantly meatier. Last but not least, there is a crap ton of character development and associated dialogues. Sinker had this slightly humorous thing going on between party members: they squabbled at first, yet learnt to respect and like each other over time, with a bit of tsundere antics in-between. but Prana takes it to a whole new level — a level so high that dialogue actually became overbearing and intrusive after a while. I never thought I’d have to skip dialogues in a Kemco RPG; and yet I did towards the end, because I just wanted to kick the big baddie’s arse and was tired of reading about fantasy race politics and formerly intolerant NPCs turning over a new leaf.   



Now, would I recommend Prana over Sinker? Nope, because each part of that dyad will scratch a different itch. While I was initially disappointed that Prana was not an exact copy-paste of Sinker, I realised now that it needn’t be. Sinker exists already, and I can replay it at will if I want a straightforward grindy treat; should I want a no less grindy but lushier and swisher treat, I can roll with Prana. I'll see you soon with more gaming goodness, dear fellow gamers; until next time, take care!


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