
Octopath Traveler: Final thoughts (for the time being)

Let's face it: although my Switch is no longer around, I still want to play OT. Very much so, actually. Not only that, but I'd love to have this game in my collection, treasure it and replay it at will. That won't happen any time soon, unfortunately: OT is a Switch exclusive, and since I have neither a Switch (anymore) nor the intention to collect for it (ever), I'll have to make do with my warm memories of that game — and maybe a second run in a couple of years, when I get my paws on a second-hand Switch for game library exploration purposes.

We're actually touching OT's main issue in my opinion: namely, the fact that this game somehow feel too small, too homely for the Switch. I cannot shake that feeling that Squeenix' choral offering should have been developed for the 3DS and the Vita first and foremost and released on those systems. (The Vita and its cinematic screen in particular would have been a perfect home for OT.) This game feels like a portable RPG at heart; not just a portable RPG, but a portable RPG that should have unfolded on a small screen, in the intimate cosyness of one's own two hands. Of course, maybe that's just the handheld aficionado in me speaking; however, I cannot help that a bit of OT's magic was scattered and irremediably lost on the Switch's mammoth screen.

Anyway, a 3DS/Vita port of OT won't be happening any time soon; so I might as well focus on my brief, fleeting experience with it on the Switch. Although 'brief' and 'fleeting' may not be the most appropriate terms, given that I spent a hefty 50 hours roaming Orsterra. And my, what a fine 50 hours those were! Apart from the rocky early stages and the mild tendinitis case, my run was pure pleasure from start to finish. I was about to finish the third round of chapters when I bid my Switch adieu, and RPG fatigue was still nowhere in sight; I'm pretty sure I could have racked up 20 more hours without breaking a sweat and with tons of enjoyment. Oh well; we'll do that next time, won't we?

I was initially planning to wrap up my OT ramblings with a good ol' Pros and cons list; but now, a couple of days after selling my Switch, I cannot think of a single negative thing to say about that gem of a game and my delightful run of it. I just love everything about OT, and it left me with plenty of sweet, fluffy, heartwarming memories. Oh, the glittering snow in Flamegrace! Oh, those perfect fights where I Broke the opposition in one swift, neat turn! Oh, the outstanding alchemy of my Fab Three! It really pains me to think that I cannot get my greedy collecting paws on OT; but I guess it will only make my memories of it more precious. And with that, dear fellow gamers, my OT odyssey comes to an end — for the time being. Will I ever come back to that great game, only time will tell; but as I'm writing this, I'd love nothing more indeed. Thanks a million for reading as usual, and drop by anytime!

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