
Still alive and playing!


Hey there, did fellow gamers! Did you maybe think I had abandoned That Extra Level and gaming as well? Never! I’m still playing, and I have a couple of posts lined up for publishing as well. I just started my annual round of Pokemon X&Y solo runs, and other games are claiming my attention as well.


That being said, I must admit I’ve been particularly bad at managing my gaming and blogging time lately. Time management has always been my own personal kryptonite; and although I’m trying to fix that, progress is slow to come. Not only that, but I’m also sick to death of the Blogspot interface; I’m been dealing with that platform for a whopping ten years, and it didn’t get any better over time. I’ve been increasingly reluctant to post because of that, and I’m finally reaching my breaking point.


Here’s the plan: I’m gonna migrate to another website purveyor, and put together a new version of TEL using my very own URL. That version 2.0 will be a new beginning of sorts, as I’ll start writing without migrating any content from the original TEL. Said original TEL will stay online for a while, as I take all the time I need to transfer older posts on the new TEL. That mighty move will take place by the end of 2023, and it will be a fitting way to celebrate 10 years of TEL and usher a new era of blogging!


Until then, I’ll keep posting here when I muster the courage to deal with the Blogspot interface. Take care and keep doing your thing, my dear fellow gamers!  


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