
Gaming musings: Fleeting Firm Feelings


Hey there, dear fellow gamers! Hope you’re doing fine, and doing your stuff like there’s no tomorrow. As for me, things are clearing up at long last; the tricky situation that was robbing me of my beloved autonomy is about to be resolved, which should grant me some welcome time and energy to finish the New Classic project and start the building of my website. On top of that, I’m gaming like the wind and enjoying it tremendously, and plenty of appetizing games are hitting the shelves. But enough with the pleasantries; let’s tackle this post’s main subject!


As you know, my gaming instinct is a reliable compass that never failed me, a beacon that guided me flawlessly through my many decades of gaming. Still, even the most perfect tool can falter sometimes; and it so happens that my trustworthy gaming instinct isn’t 100% right in all circumstances. This is precisely what I dubbed ‘Fleeting Firm Feelings’; that’s an explicit enough name, and it means that my gaming instinct’s initial feelings about a game are sometimes overturned — by none other than my gaming instinct itself.


In practice, 3F unfolds in three main ways:


From Good to Gone: I have a massive crush on a game, only to forget it entirely a couple of days or weeks later.

From Fair to Good: I deem a game merely acceptable, only to have it grow on me over the next days or weeks.

From Gone to Good: I dismiss a game entirely, only to have it coming back and haunting me a couple of days or weeks later. 


As you may imagine, the New Classics project is the perfect ground for 3F; the very act of playing a short time and relying solely on my gaming instinct’ immediate impressions generated a number of occurrences of 3F already — and will probably generate some more before I’m through with the whole endeavour. One of these occurrences is none other than a Switch game I’m currently playing and loving to pieces, a couple of weeks after swearing it off in my New Classics reports — but more on that particular game later! For now, suffice it to say that my subcollections are not quite set in stone yet; before I start pawning my discarded games, I’ll check carefully for any Good to Gone or Gone to Good occurrences. Jeez, a collector’s work is never done indeed!


On a more general note, I’m seriously starting to wonder if I won’t simply keep nearly all my games — New Classics as well as rejects. The thing is, I’m realising now that the New Classics project was first and last a matter of setting priorities and freeing my mind from backlog pressure; now that the deed is nearly done, getting physically rid of games that didn’t make the cut doesn’t feel as urgent. Keeping most of the rejects won’t take a lot of room, as I got rid of all plastic cases years ago; and pawning my games won’t bring me a lot of moneys anyways, as we’re dealing with loose cartridges and UMD. Of course, some games will be disposed of, and that would be the games I really loathe — I don’t think any amount of time will make me fall in love with the Disgaea series, for instance.


Long story short: I wanna keep all my options open, and my beloved Collection as complete and replete as possible, for the sake of my gaming pleasure and future. I may end up never touching the rejects I keep, but that doesn’t matter; what matters is to gain as much freedom to play as I want, while being firmly aware of my gaming preferences and favourite games. Tackling the New Classics project was absolutely vital to my gaming enjoyment; I feel at peace now, and I can keep playing and collecting in a more relaxed, carefree way. Happy gaming days ahead! 


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