
The New Classics #4: Solatorobo: Red the Hunter


The Backstory: We’re talking about a game featuring anthropomorphic cats and dogs, which already makes me very partial towards Solatorobo. Despite generating lauding reviews, Sky & Robots the title’s literal translation is not exactly well known. It might be because it came at the very end of the DS’ tenure, in 2010/2011; it might also be because it belongs to a confidential series. Also, funny and unrelated anecdote: I remember standing in the custom office, while the parcel containing the game was opened by a custom officer to determine how much I would have to fork out in custom fees. Aaah, unsweet memories. 



The Game: Solatorobo boasts one of the best introductions I’ve played in a long time. That in medias res sequence manages to mix intriguing narrative elements, fulfilling gameplay sequences and shorts yet explicit tutorials and to firmly plant the atmosphere to boot. After going through that intro, you just want to play the game, and to discover that gorgeous world you got a glimpse of.



Said gorgeous world only gets more fleshed out as you enter the game per se. It’s a very vivid and vibrant universe that leaves a deep impression right away to the point where I’m honestly surprised no anime series was ever derived from Solatorobo. And obviously, I had to love the French interjections that pepper the dialogue scenes. Ooh là la, Sapristi, Et voilà, voyons, Nom d’un chien MOAR! The latter, “nom d’un chien” is deliciously fitting: it could be translated as “for pete’s sake”, but it literally means “in the name of a dog”, which is just perfect given that Red is, well, a dog. 



But enough about the game world and its undeniable potency, anime potential and delicious frenchness; let’s talk gameplay, folks! Solatorobo operates on a mission system, which makes it the perfect game for short bursts of play. Story segments unfold between each mission, which seems to indicate that the game is gonna be heavy on narrative; but since the game world is so captivating, I really don’t mind. Plus, these story segments are told through fixed screens in which you progress through the dialogues with the A button, which I find more involving and less frustrating than animated cutscenes you have to sit through.



As for more technical aspects of the gameplay, we’re dealing with an action-adventure game with light RPG elements. The real-time combat system is deliciously intuitive and easy to grasp; the physics, while not outstanding, are perfectly serviceable. The only real issue I spotted is the fact that performing diagonal movement with the DS’ D-pad is kinda tricky; however, a quick try of the game on my 3DS revealed that the analog stick could neatly solve that issue. This is a game I’ll definitely play on the 3DS when I replay it. Oops, did I say too much already?



The Verdict: Let’s end the suspense already: Solatorobo is indeed a New Classic of mine so much so that I actually wanted to keep playing. There is something refreshing and heart-warming in that game, something that harkens back to simpler gaming times. It’s also a game that feels very DS: it boasts that distinctive mix of simplicity, enthusiasm and freshness that shines in most DS games and came to define the DS era; and I genuinely couldn’t imagine it on any other system, nor would I want it remade. Solatorobo is perfect the way it is; and although I’m taking French leave for now, I’ll go back to it without fail. Je reviendrai, c’est promis!



  1. Now this is a blast from the past. But not a positive one. I absolutely and utterly hated my time with Solatorobo. I really wanted to like it but I despised everything. Except for the fishing minigame, which was excellent. I would genuinely boot up the game just to play that instead of advancing the story. Ultimately, I decided to just sell the game, which I did at over 1000% the price I had payed for it. For some reason, you see complete copies in good condition of Solatorobo going for over 80€+ or even over 100€. Crazy.

    1. Well, hopefully I won't end up hating Solatorobo's guts later on... But somehow, I doubt it ^^
