
Alive and playing

Although I've not been posting for quite some time, this blog is not forsaken, perish the thought. I am currently devoting a lot of time to non-gaming matters, but gaming is still a part of my daily regimen, and I firmly intend to be back into writing as soon as I can—hopefully by the end of June. Until then, thanks for reading, and be my guest anytime!


  1. *snf* Isleif-sama, we'll wait for you as long as it takes! Uhh, that's what some people said. Over there. Far away, but I heard them. :-D
    Forget about posting and just enjoy life, and write when you jolly well feel like it.

    1. Hahaha, you cracked me up with this one! :D
      Damn right, we bloggers should only post when we really feel like it. Thank you for the support! :)

  2. Non gaming matters matter too of course, real life sometimes can get in the way!

    1. Squeezing a bit of gaming in the middle of non-gaming activities is not a big deal, but writing is another matter entirely... Something had to give, at least for the time being! :-D
