
Tales of the Abyss: See you, so long, goodbye, hooray


Tales of the Abyss: a name that, even years after the facts, rouses powerful emotions in my gamer’s heart. Not only was it my first Tales game, but it was also my first JRPG in the modern sense of the word. Make yourself comfortable and bring out the popcorn, dear fellow gamers: for this is the story of my tempestuous relationship with a game I’ll gladly part with now.


I played TotA during the summer 2013, a couple of months before launching That Extra Level!. That was roughly nine years ago; and yet, I remember everything with vivid clarity. The red vintage armchair in which I lounged while playing, the TV shows I listened to on my computer sitting on the coffee table next to me, the summer light filtering through the blinds, the whole atmosphere and feel of the 35 hours I spent on TotA


One word perfectly sums up my experience with that game: obsession. My feelings for TotA were beyond such trivial things as love and hate although I did feel both in turns. I felt compelled to play it by a force greater than my gaming instinct; it fascinated me and revulsed me all at once, and yet I couldn’t stop. I cannot think of another game that awoke such powerful and conflicting feelings in my gamer’s heart and I’m glad there is no other, honestly.


Why did TotA make such an impact? I could try to pinpoint a number of reasons. First, this was my first encounter with an RPG in which the narrative and the characters were so paramount i.e. a modern JRPG. I’ll be honest: I don’t even like the cast of TotA, and yet they wormed their way into my mind and stayed with me weeks after I finished the game. I was not ready for this: I came from a place where heroes were mute lone rangers and gameplay reigned supreme. But the TotA crew… Man, they were not mere RPG characters; they were friggin’ anime characters. Their woes and inner conflicts were all over the place, and you couldn’t escape them even if you wanted to. (SPOILERS!) Luke behaving like a spoilt kid to hide his destroyed psyche, Tear displaying some maturity beyond her years yet being a sensitive and shy young woman at heart, Guy concealing his murderous intents behind over-the-top optimism and cheerfulness and warming up to Luke in earnest, Jade being cool and caustic yet genuinely caring about his younger charges, Natalia being deeply dependable and duty-oriented despite her petulancy… (End of SPOILERS) Gosh, I still remember all this, and I don’t even want to!


And then you had the gameplay. Look, I’ll bare my heart here: TotA is one of my worst RPG gameplay experiences. My memories are kinda hazy; but I still remember dark labyrinthine dungeons full of tedious puzzles, a stealth mission in a defile that sucked dry my will to live and nearly made me (rage)quit, a ridiculously convoluted fighting system whose full mastery always seemed to elude me, a lot of backtracking, interminable trips between locations, and a general feeling of not enjoying myself. And yet, I couldn’t drop that darn game: as tedious as its gameplay was, it was also new and fresh, something I had never experienced before. Not only that, but I was still in the early stages of my Second Coming of Gaming: you could have thrown the worst RPG ever at me, and I’d probably have lapped it up anyway. Oh, and let’s not forget that I was coming out of literal years of videogame deprivation, and that dropping a game was simply unthinkable at the time. 


Why, I didn't remember decking up my team in bathing suits. Naughty, naughty me!

And there you have it, dear fellow gamers: my own private Tales of the Abyss story. I don’t think I’ll ever quite understand why I played that game to the bitter end, or fully grasp the depth and complexity of my feelings towards it. But I know one thing for sure: I don’t ever wanna play it again, and to the pawn shop it’s headed! Somehow, I feel better after writing this; I guess I needed to spill my guts about TotA, once and for all. I’ll see you soon with more gaming goodness, dear fellow gamers; in the meantime, take care and have fun!  


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