
Coming back soon...

Hello there! I've been absent lately, but this blog is not forsaken, perish the thought. My line of work is at its busiest in December, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't find a second to play games these last two weeks, let alone write about them. However, I have a couple of articles in the pipeline and should be able to work on them in the weeks to come, as well as a handful of delighful new games that I'm planning to play in early 2015. In the meantime, thanks for your patience, and be my guest anytime!


  1. Well, good luck with everything! I'm also pretty busy right now, have a couple of essays to do and then exams starting next month... Sigh... On a positive note, I absolutely recommend you Freedom Wars! Loving that game. Good atmosphere, good gameplay, good aesthetic...

    I'll be waiting for those articles. Can you give a clue though? Like the console the game is on or the genre?

    1. Why, thank you for the kind words! Good luck to you too. :)

      As for clues, there will be some PSP RPGs and a sprinkle of Sonic. And... Freedom Wars, which I got as a Christmas gift and will start playing very soon! My Vita deserves some love! :D
